Click the button below to donate using PayPal. An account is not necessary to make a donation.
Discovering new knowledge about medical problems that are prevalent among veterans is an important part of our commitment to ensuring that veterans receive the best possible care. Channeling donations through DRI will increase our veteran's access to the latest drugs and technology. Veterans benefit from the improved treatments and the extra care they receive when they participate in approved studies.
DRI helps attract high caliber physicians and other researchers to careers in the VA. The additional funds made available through grants and donations from outside the VA increase opportunities for research.
DRI provides an opportunity to tap into the VA's health care system and data resources, our nation's largest integrated health care system.
by mail
To Donate with a Personal Check
Please make your check payable to Dorn Research Institute and mail it to:
Columbia VA Health Care System
6439 Garners Ferry Road #151
Bldg. 9
Columbia, SC 29209